The List Visual Arts Center is more than a contemporary art museum: it’s an active gathering place, education center, and workspace for college students right on MIT’s campus. Read more to find out how you can get involved with student-centered events and programs.
MIT Community
Campus Loan Art Program
Through the Campus Loan Art Program, we are able to make artwork from our Campus Lending Collection available to Administration, Faculty, and Staff offices, so that the MIT campus itself serves as our museum.

Graduate Student Talks
Experience museum mashups: view exhibitions through the eyes of MIT graduate students in the interdisciplinary Graduate Student Gallery Talk series. If you're part of the MIT community and interested in leading a Graduate Student Talk, please visit our Open Positions.

Vera List Prize
The MIT List Visual Arts Center sponsors the annual Vera List Prize for Writing on the Visual Arts. This writing contest is part of the Karmel Writing Prizes and is open to MIT undergraduate and graduate students.

Raymond Boisjoly, Always Some Number of Things, 2021. Beer can on wall, 118 x 148 in. (300 x 376 cm). Courtesy Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver. Photo: Rachel Topham Photography
Student Lending Art Program
Explore over 700 works of art that comprise MIT’s Student Lending Art Collection. Works in this collection are made available to students each September, which they can live with for the school year.

Student Guides
The List Center's Student Guide program hires MIT undergraduates as guides for our public art, exhibitions, and programming. Student Guides learn about the artists, artworks, and issues surrounding contemporary art first-hand, while helping others discover the visual world around them.

Independent Activities Period (IAP)
Independent Activities Period (IAP) is a four-week period in January during which faculty and students are freed from the rigors of regularly scheduled classes for flexible teaching and learning. The List Visual Arts Center participates annually by hosting workshops or experiences related to the field of contemporary art.