Recent Gifts to the Student Loan Art Collection

A print of a pink building sitting in a red and green landscape. A gradient blue sky sits on the horizon.

Arata Isozaki, Print for Crystal Ball, April, 12, 1988. Silk screen print, 23 ¾ x 34 ½ in. Installation view, MIT List Visual Arts Center, 2008.

Dean's Gallery
Featured Artists
Darren Almond
Carlos Amorales
William Bailey
Will Barnet
David Claerbout
Warrington Colescott
April Gornik
Arata Isozaki
Julian Lethbridge
Markus Muntean
Cindy Sherman
Audro Akuodas
Joan Snyder
Alice Vlcek
John Walker
June Wayne
Explore all artists who have exhibited at the List in our Artist Index.

The Dean’s Gallery presents Recent Gifts to the Student Loan Art Collection.

The seventeen works in this exhibition are the List Center’s most recent acquisitions and include one painting and a variety of prints and photographs. Most of the works on display will be available in the Student Loan Art Program beginning in the 2009-2010 school year. This popular program, initiated in 1966, offers MIT undergraduates and graduate students, as well as student groups, the chance to borrow important artworks by leading contemporary and 20th century artists for their living or work spaces for the academic year. 


The List Visual Arts Center would like to thank Ruth Bowman, Heather and Tony Podesta, the Yvon Lambert Gallery and, Alice Vlcek for their generosity and contributions to the Student Loan Art Collection and Permanent Collection.