Vera List Prize for Writing on the Visual Arts

The MIT List Visual Arts Center sponsors the annual Vera List Prize for Writing on the Visual Arts. This writing contest is part of the Karmel Writing Prizes and is open to MIT undergraduate and graduate students.

The MIT List Visual Arts Center is pleased to sponsor the 2025 Vera List Prize for Writing on the Visual Arts. Visit the event page here.


2024 Vera List Prizes

First Prize Winner

Sophia Chen, undergraduate student double majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Design at MIT.

"Each is a declaration: I am making portraits of my great grandparents and grandparents and parents out of my hair. But my hair is made out of my great grandparents and grandparents and parents. Each is also a question: What makes you? What are you made of? What do you make?"     –Sophia Chen, Black Cobwebs

Second Prize Winner

Kartik Chandra, a PhD candidate at MIT's Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

"The photograph that once stood for seeing motion in stillness now stands for seeing stillness in motion. The graduate student obsessed with beholding the moment has learned at last to bear the expanse of time."     –Kartik Chandra, A Strange Thing Happens when You Live With A Work of Art