Members gather to hear from Christine Sun Kim in advance of her opening reception in February 2020 at the MIT List Visual Arts Center. Photo by Mel Taing.
Director's Circle Membership

Behind the Scenes
Director’s Circle members are invited to Behind-the-Scenes visits for each exhibition. Curators will provide insights into the art on view, followed by a reception. Members are always able to bring guests to these events.

Travel with the List
Traveling with the List Center is a key benefit of membership in the Director’s Circle. We have previously taken groups to Pittsburgh, Marfa, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, as well as Greece, Venice, and Berlin, and Kassel, Münster, and Düsseldorf in Germany.

Exhibition Openings
Openings at the List Center are free and open to all, but members are invited to arrive early for a tour led by the artists and curators. Donors at the Presenter level and above are invited for the post-opening dinners.

Studio Visits
The List Center organizes visits with Boston-based artists during the year as a way to introduce our members to the vibrant arts community in and around greater Boston. Typically, we host two outings each year in the spring and fall.