Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, Geometry of Space, 2014. Sculptures, stretched oxidized steel; scam atlas. 3 publications; murals, chronologic drawings of 2005, 2008, & 2010.Sculptures’ diameter 31.5 in. Courtesy the artists and In Situ/ Fabienne Leclerc (Paris), CRG Gallery (New York), The Third Line (Dubai).
Graduate Student Talk: Christianna Bonin
Take a look at the List’s exhibitions from a new perspective. Join Christianna Bonin (History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture and Art) to discover more about Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige: I Must First Apologize…
Christianna’s talk explores themes of trust, familiarity, and strangeness in the exhibition. Specifically, she considers if and how trust is being reconfigured by digital interactions, as presented by Hadjithomas and Joreige’s engagement with email scams, and what visual, spatial, or temporal strategies we use today to differentiate friends and acquaintances from strangers.
About the Speaker
Christianna Bonin is a PhD candidate in the History, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture and Art program at MIT. She studies late 19th and 20th-century art and architecture in Europe and Russia. Her research explores the relationships among industry, economies, and culture, particularly the concept of “international” in the architecture of Soviet Russia. The effect of migration on artistic and architectural practices in Weimar Germany and Soviet Russia is an important aspect of her dissertation. Before beginning her graduate studies, she worked in art galleries and at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation in Germany. With fellow graduate student Nisa Ari, she is editing the MIT Department of Architecture’s peer-reviewed journal, Thresholds 44: Workspace, forthcoming in April 2016.
About the Series
Graduate Student Gallery Talks at the List present focused explorations of our current exhibitions and are led by an MIT graduate student. These interdisciplinary talks examine art through the lens of students’ research, backgrounds, and interests. Talks are free and open to the public.