Member Public Art Tour

August 16, 2023
Event Types
Public Art Tour
Member Event
Two modern building on the left each with an overhang that has LED sculptures of a signature hanging from the buildings.

Installation view: Agnieszka Kurant, The End of Signature, 2021 and 2022. Collaboration with Katie Lewis, Divya Shanmugam, Jose Javier Gonzalez Ortiz and Professor John Guttag. MIT Collection Commissioned with MIT Percent-for-Art funds. Photo: Charles Mayer Photography

For more information, contact:

jamesonj [at] (Jameson Johnson)

Please join us for a member public art tour showcasing the MIT Public Art Collection throughout campus led by Director Paul Ha.

Discover hidden highlights from the List’s public art collection and view artworks by renowned contemporary artists, including a special focus on recent acquisitions by Agnieszka Kurant and Alicja Kwade. 

Members are invited to bring a friend or two for this special summer gathering.