Curator Tour: List Projects 27 fields harrington and Nancy Valladares

September 14, 2023
Event Types
Exhibition Tour
Public Program
A smoke-grey transparent black plexiglass box with the top open contains the by-product of an exothermic reaction. The by-product is a solid black carbon form that has a serpent-like structure and sits inside an aluminum pie pan with black sand.

fields harrington, Energy In Hidden Form, 2021. Sugar, baking soda, 90% alcohol, aluminum foil pie pan, Plexiglas, 9 x 13 x 13 in (22.9 x 33 x 33 cm). Courtesy the artist. Photo: Kristine Eudey


Join List Center Assistant Curator, Selby Nimrod for a walk through of List Projects 27: fields harrington and Nancy Valladares.

This guided exhibition walkthrough and conversation offers a conversation about the inaugural presentation of a three part series featuring artistic collaborations. The first of the series will include individual works by each harrington and Valladares as well as a newly commissioned collaborative work. Discover with the curator how this experimental exhibition series came together and a deeper understanding of the works on view.