Behind the Scenes | Student Lending Art Program: Celebrating Boston-based Artists from the Collection

August 28, 2019
Event Types
MIT Community
Two women wearing colorful clothing stand in the List Center galleries during the Student Lending Art Program 2019 and look at works of art on the walls.

Opening reception for the Student Lending Art Program Exhibition, August 2019 at the MIT List Visual Arts Center. Photo by Cassandra Rodriguez.

Please join the List Center Friends for an all new event celebrating the opening of the Student Lending Art Program Exhibition. Joining us will be Boston-based artists and galleries from the collection. Get a sneak peek of over 600 artworks on view, and celebrate the start of our Fall season with friends, food, drinks, and music.

Please reach out with any questions, and RSVP to jamesonj [at] (Jameson Johnson).  Members are encouraged to bring guests!